Thursday, October 22, 2015


Some days blogging just comes out, some days it's quite a struggle. I find it easier to blog about a specific event vs just "life".  Let me give an "event" - I won a cd (along with MANY other ladies) at a ladies meeting tonight. They told us to go up front to get our prize but I had just opened my chocolate so... I took my chocolate with me because well, one doesn't leave chocolate behind. I get almost up there and I dropped a big chunk of my chocolate, what to do, what to do???  Even though I seriously wanted to use the 5 second rule, I did not. I politely placed it in a napkin and threw it away. So sad :(  I don't cry over spilt milk but I most definitely cry over wasted chocolate ha

Tonight I had the blessing of going to a ladies meeting with a friend. This was no ordinary meeting... as a matter of fact, I don't think I've been to one quite like it. These ladies were real with their stuff/issues/baggage.  We all have a story and most of the time it's quite messy. It's so easy just to assume that we are the only ones who are messed up and we just keep it to ourselves.  Once you realize the reality of life and when you see someone breathing you can guarantee they have stuff/issues/baggage. I was so encouraged and blessed by their testimonies tonight. They are in different stages of their journey but the resounding song was "don't go it alone", "don't be afraid to ask for help".  

God is in the redeeming business!

Redeem - to gain or regain possession in exchange for payment

He has paid the price! We can live victoriously!!!  Free from the chains that once bound us!!!  

Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

ok, my shout'n party is over and I'm going to BED! Praise God for a new day, I'm ready for fresh new mercies and some amazing COFFEE!!!!  ooohhh and tomorrow is FRIDAY!!!!  *happy dance*


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