Thursday, December 17, 2015


This time of year there is a lot of talk about Peace. The last couple of weeks have been such a mix of emotions but one that sticks out is Peace.  When I think of peaceful I think of still water on a glass like lake, so peaceful and quiet. A baby sleeping. Watching the sunset on a cool fall night. Drinking that first sip of coffee before the craziness of the day begins. Those are peaceful things to me... but can I tell you, this PEACE that I speak of is indescribable, it is a peace that has to be experienced in order to understand. It is truly a peace that passes all understanding. God's peace.
In the midst of those deep bellyaching cries, peace.
Tears streaming down your face, peace.
Saying goodbye once again, peace.
When we have Christ in our life and we choose to accept the change that He so lovingly brings to our life here on earth, He gives us such a peace. Does it mean that life is "good"?  No, life is life. Life hurts. Life doesn't make sense. God's peace does make sense, when you've felt it and you live with this deep peace, it makes sense.  Someone asked me this week "how do you see people hurting all the time and continue to help them, it just seems so overwhelming?"   The only answer there is to this is - GOD!
We don't like pain, it's not something we typically gravitate to but if you are living and breathing you will endure some sort of pain and heartache.  I haven't quite grasped this... God will be teaching me for the rest of my life but He's showing me there is a level of embracing the hurt and pain. To be broken for Him every day, then at the end of the day when our head hits the pillow - let Him heal you completely.
Daily broken.
Daily healed.
Today, once again my heart was broken for a friend as she said "see you later" to her husband of 38 yrs.
Tonight, my heart is completely healed with His peace!