Wednesday, October 21, 2015

A forever day

Today was a full day to say the least. As a matter of fact, I caught myself thinking that this morning was yesterday. There were many moments that I tried to let soak in and place in my ever forgetful memory bank. Moments of frustration followed closely with shear joy followed by some disappointment followed by sunny happiness!

What's your passion? Everyone has one, what's yours? What do you dream about? What is it you want to do/be when you grow up? I'm not sure I can answer that... I so admire people who can though. For me, I have lots of interest. Today, on a trip to one of my favorite places in the world, we met a lady with a PASSION! We had already seen a beautiful wedding, drank coffee while sitting on the dock, talked to a couple of fishermen, helped an older gentleman get his fishing line untangled. Then... on our walk back we met a lady meandering along the path while she lovingly shuffled her rosary beads from hand to hand. I said "are you enjoying this beautiful day?"  she said "this is a forever day, I wish it would last forever". As we talked with her, it didn't take her long to share her passion for saving the unborn. She bubbled with her desire to save these babies. She began to give us some history stories mixed in with some stories of her own life. She was so encouraging to me... how dare I EVER say "I'm too old".  

It was such a joy to chat with her a bit... oh... her name - Joy. 

Oh, interesting info - I was with my friend Joy :)

I see what you did there God... thank you!!!!!  


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