Wow, has this year FLOWN right on by!!! Full of wonderful and challenging happenings for sure but it seems like yesterday we were saying "next year for our Peru trip..." and low and behold the Peru trip is HERE!!! We leave a week from today... eeekkkkk!!!! Very exciting with some anxious nerves thrown in there. When we started this adventure we knew it was going to be rocky and bring a good amount of challenges but can I use a cliche here... "we had no idea" :) We've had a few questions asked over and over so let me see if I can explain... no, it is too much, lemme sum up (name that movie and you're my best friend)
Compassion Peru
1. Are you affiliated with Compassion International?
No. This name developed years ago when our church in Houston Tx created a ministry called Compassion Katy. We loved the idea of showing compassion and God's love on the area God calls you to.
2. Are you being sent by a church?
We understand this question because in our society/culture we are used to being sent from one body of believers... that's just the way it's been done. We are not being sent from one "church" but from THE church that God has placed around us. We are extremely blessed to have brothers and sisters in Christ who are behind us in this amazing adventure. We are with a mission agency World Outreach Ministries, funds can be sent through them for tax deductible purposes.
3. What are you doing?
Ultimately, our desire is to point others to Christ. Wherever and whoever that may be. This will happen in different ways. We are partnering with other Christians in outreach projects to help in whatever ways we can. Give food, water or clean/paint a house. Work with the disabled/elderly or build a house. We are open to God's leading in how and where we will serve, we do know each person we come in contact with will be a divine appointment. God works in each of our lives in many different ways. Our stories intertwine and the goal is to bring others the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ and the joy of living with Christ filling every part of our lives here on earth.
4. What is Kawi Roasters?
I'm glad you asked :) Kawi developed with the idea of supporting our passion for missions. We have plans but we trust God will direct our steps! We have a desire for Kawi roasters to support not only us but hopefully others who are walking this road with us. Coffee has been a part of our story for many years in one way or another and we see God paving the road for this to be an amazing opportunity to reach others with His love!!!!
5. How do you raise support?
We technically haven't up until this point. We pray about where and what God would have us do and then we set out to do it. No, we are not independently wealthy, we just trust God will provide what He wants to and then we will pay the rest - even if that means paying it off. This is not the traditional way we realize this but... we know this is OUR calling, if God presses on others to give then they will and... they have! We have been abundantly blessed by our friends and family who have hearts to see the kingdom of God grow! We realize there are so many needs and our desire is that you give where God leads you. Serve where God leads you, if that's with us than wonderful, if not then wonderful... just do something! God will provide for us and for you!!!! <3
Hopefully this will help clear a few things up and now that everything is clear as mud we ask...
Praying for you and with you as you go, my friend. Beautifully written...
Thank you so very much!!!!!!!! love you my friend!
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