Wow! what an amazing trip it's been! I have tried a few times to sit down and type out some experiences and feelings... it just hasn't come out right. So, I thought I would try to "sum up". I'm going to attempt to hit some highlights of the days we've had here.
Day 1 ~ trip day, lots of airport time. Overall things went very very well! We were immediately aware of the MANY nationalities as soon as we stepped off of the plane. Arrived here at the base safely Praise the Lord! Our first walk in to the near by town.
Day 2 ~ Micah and I were blessed to lead worship for the IT conference. Very sweet time for us. Jet lag was hard to get through. Meeting new people, learning more about things here and abroad.
Day 3 ~ We lead worship again on Friday. The day is a bit foggy to me, jet lag hit me hard on Friday. The boys were able to play futbol with Europeans from many different countries and found out just how serious they are here about FUTBOL ~ NOT SOCCER :)
Day 4 ~ A day full of adventure (even though we set out for it to me uneventful and laid back haha) Our idea was to take the train in to the nearest village and just look around and get a feel for the train system. We made a tiny mistake and boarded the fast train which went straight to London w/o stopping. We had a nice convers with a young lady on the train who was very helpful to us. She was typical British and my heart went out to her. After finding the right train we headed back to our original destination, walked around a bit then headed back to Gerrard's Cross where we found a pub and had some WONDERFUL food! Stopped by on the walk back for some coffee. This was a really really good day of conversation with our new friend Melanie. It's amazing how God just puts the right people in our path for just the right time!!!! Even with her mistake... I love her :)
Day 5 ~ Sunday! We had the opportunity to go to a local church here. We took the mini bus. We had a great conversation with a gentlemen before service started. As I looked around I saw mostly elderly people but there were some children up in the balcony. The boys have been doing very well with just coming along for the journey. Today was no different. We filed in to our row as the music leader began to play his guitar. They had lost a dear sister in Christ just on Thursday so they were all wearing different color flowers in remembrance of her. It was such a sweet time of worship. I absolutely love hearing the body of Christ sing praises to our God. If you can imagine a couple hundred of British accents singing loudly in an old church building... it echoes, and it's beautiful! Some songs were sung acapella and some with guitar and keyboard. They did have a band but were in a time of just letting the congregation "lead". It was truly amazing! People just prayed out from the audience, or would just start a song. It was very orderly and very respectful and VERY sincere! The pastor is from Ireland and wow what a cool thing! He was not red headed but I think maybe he colored it... no, I'm totally kidding. He had the passion of what one would think and Irish Red Head would have haha A very timely message for us! The service ran late and no one seemed to mind... I know I didn't. Our bus was waiting for us so we headed back to Bulstrode. Meals here are a great community time. We've enjoyed meeting the different people here. Today we had a wonderful meal! We have tried some new things and some familiar foods as well.
Overall, we feel God is moving us forward. Clarifying, speaking through different people and situations. We are enjoying all of the cultural experiences as well as spending time just listening to God and seeking what He has for us. Tonight we will go to some friends house for "tea" (what we call dinner in the states). They live here so it's just a minute walk... very nice!
Thanks for sharing about your time. Lonnie says if we want to go to England we have to live vicariously through you:) So have some more great times in the Lord for us! Love you!
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