Wednesday, November 24, 2010
"Let us be Thankful" by Bama Bob
I mentioned in the last post how we met Bama Bob. This is one of the poems he gave us and I thought it would be fitting to share. This is Granny and Grandpa in this pic. I do not have a pic of Bama Bob but I can tell you he looked just Grandpa... maybe a few years younger.
First - let us be thankful they landed here;
after sailing 'cross the sea.
Here - they felt His presence was near;
and so their lives could be free.
Secondly - let's be thankful for hardships;
like those the Pilgrims came through;
Each one helps us - to better "come to grips";
so each makes us strong too.
But don't just wait for Thanksgiving Day -
to be thankful for ALL that come your way.
Think - now, what are we thankful for?
there's more than any will know.
But some seem to think - there should be more;
like - anything they say goes.
But let us be thankful in living;
'n just knowing daily pleasures.
If that's our lot - EVERY DAY'S Thanksgiving;
and EVERYTHING'S a treasure.
So don't just wait for Thanksgiving day -
to be thankful for ALL that comes your way.
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