Monday, November 19, 2018

Moving (literally) Forward!!!!

November, 2018! Really??? Did I just type that... AND it's almost over!!!! 

WOW WOW WOW!!!!!  I know I can't be the only one just in shock at how fast this year has flown by!!!!  This year has been so full! January of this year we started out on a journey that we knew would be challenging... we knew there were lots of unknowns. We were right :) 

Jeff and I decided to go work full time with ITEC ( in Ocala, Florida. We set a goal of 6 months to a year. 6 months quickly showed us that it would be more like a year. This allowed me some time to train a new photographer and wrap up some things at work ( and also allowed Jeff some time to switch over his responsibilities at work as well. We had the goal to try and get the boys situated, wherever that might be. It's gone back and forth... sometimes daily, from "the boys are going with us" to "the boys are staying". "We are selling the house" just kidding "we are keeping the house", to everything in between.  We've had deaths, births, ups, downs.

Now, here it is... time to pack. We have been slowly going through things. It looks as though the boys are staying here and renting our house, but... ya never know, just stay tuned :) We knew it would be a challenge to raise support in this short amount of time and that has proven to be true as well. We are still trusting God in this area (if you're feeling called to help let us know... just think about it as buying us a meal per month $30. OR virtual coffee because I would LOVE to have coffee with each of you!!!!!) So many of our friends have given (and will give) sacrificially and it is extremely humbling to be on this side of things. We've spent 25+ years on the other side of giving and to be honest... I'm more comfortable with that side. This side is hard. Very hard! We've read all the things, know all of the scripture... etc. It's still hard :)  BUT we move forward! We are ALL IN!  There's a song, I've played over and over through every valley that seems to almost make us say "ok, just kidding... we change our mind". 
Matthew West - All In
Go here to listen:

We've prayed for perspective during this process! God has shown us so many things about who He is and who we are IN Him!  There were a few times when tears would form in my eyes and I would think "God, it's like a death... this time in our family is dying. Things will never be the same. Are we helping or hurting the boys with this decision?"  Then like a loving God that He is, He sent this message to remind us. In order to live, something must die.  We live because Christ died. Scripture says a grain of wheat must DIE in order to LIVE! John 12:24

We watched this message by David Platt
It was the perspective we needed.  Yes, maybe this is a death (in a sense) but out of it WILL spring forth LIFE! Even if it means we die for the cause of Christ... WE LIVE!!!!!  Our boys LIVE!!!!!  Yes, there will be goodbyes and see ya laters. There will be tears (I'm only human). There will be chocolate... lots of chocolate! But know this.... there will be life ONLY after something dies. This has given me a HUGE new perspective on things. I was trying of my own power to focus on the positive and not think of all that we were leaving... blah blah blah. That wasn't working, I was tiring of the battle quite often. Here's where my hope is - die to live!

Thank you for riding this amazing roller coaster with us!!!  We are super excited about this next chapter. God has given us renewed strength and purpose. It's not supposed to feel good to die haha but... it's worth it <3  God is so faithful!!!! 

Blessings to each of you during this holiday season!!!!!! 



Joy Martin said...

Ahhh Joy3, This all sounds so familiar to me. I think God knew it would be so hard for us to leave our kids that He gave such a deep passion and call for a new ministry season from Him to help the process along that needed to happen anyway. Oh honey, I feel the joy and sorrow mixed in your words. It is worth it and it is also painful . I love you dearly and am here with an understanding heart ...and cup of coffee..and chocolate when you need it. Love you dear friend. Weeping may endure for the night, but Joy comes in the morning. 😚

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