Thursday, March 10, 2016

Rainy day musings

So, how's it going??? How are you fair'n lately???  I wish I could sit down with each of my friends and seriously have a long chat, catch up... find out what God is doing in your lives.  Since I can't... I have to settle with writing out my happenings and trying to make sense of my feelings and thoughts. This, is not an easy task for a scattered brain like myself. Imagine we are sitting on the beach with an awesome cup of coffee (I do have a couple of friends who don't drink coffee - God love em - so, y'all pick your drink) and I'm filling your ears with stuff as we listen to the waves crash on the shore....

God's awesome isn't He?!?!?!!!!!  This journey keeps me on my toes and most of the time I love it. The craziness of being a wife/mom is enough to make one color their hair. HA I know a lot of y'all do but I've chosen not to. There are some days when I get a "wild hair" I think "I'll just go color my hair some weird color".  I don't drink... give me a break :)  Take that craziness, throw in relationships, (a faulty attempt at best) working, ministry... etc and like everyone, it can get overwhelming. Here's where I struggle... I feel like all that life offers right now is still in the "normal" range. No major accidents, deaths, hospital stays... it's "simply" life. This is where I find myself challenged. I excuse away the fact that I'm completely and totally on my last thread because "how could I be with all of these blessings???".  Finding a balance of counting my blessings but also realizing when I need a break has always been VERY hard for me. Today... I take a break, not because I want to really but because my body said "nope, not moving".  I've dealt with this for years and it did used to get me so down I would spiral even further down into a physical tunnel of doom. Now, I recognize... stop. breathe. take a bath.  This isn't always possible and there are times when pushing through is necessary but when it's possible... I listen.  This past week end Jeff and I were blessed to take a wonderful get-away to Chattanooga. It was exactly what the doctor ordered. This week has been blessing after blessing so you would think my body would be well rested and ready for battle. Ha, well... I thought so too but nope. It's ok though... here's what I want to tell you... KEEP MOVING FORWARD!!!!  Each day will not always be what you expect (um... most days won't be what you expect). It's ok! Rest in the Father's plan. Today, I've had so much time to pray and seek God in quite a few things happening around me, time to be sassy to my sweet momma <3, time to take a bath... to soak in His presence. Because tomorrow... tomorrow is a new day, tomorrow I'll get up and hopefully my brain and body will agree that it will be upright and functioning BUT if it's not... that's ok too. God knows and sees all, He's in charge!!!!

I'm not fond of one way conversations but this blogging thing isn't a "chat" haha  I look forward to touching base with you and hearing what God has been up to... because you know He's ALWAYS up to something!!!!!!!  <3


Joy Martin said...

Okay ...I'm trying out your comment section to see if I'm "okayed" to comment now (haha) ;-) Loves and hugs to you my friend!

Joy Thomas said...

oh look... it's there! woohoo! thnx for being you Joy2 <3

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