Saturday, October 12, 2024

Vintage Thrift Decor

Some things can only be told in story form. I could tell you the punch line outright (my hubs would be happy) but where's the fun in that??? So...

Story Time!

A while back Jeff and I went thrifting and among other things, we found this cool vase. I was a bit confused by it but it was metal and obviously vintage so I got it. While rearranging my baking shelf, I decided this vase would work well as a book end because it had a flat side. Stuck some greenery in that thang and VOILA!!!!

Fast forward many moons!

A few days ago my inlaws came to town on an unplanned evacuation visit. Thankfully, their place is fine and they were able to make it back home safely with no damage and power to boot!
My Mother-in-law came in and was looking around in my dining room, she looked up at the top shelf. The conversation went something like this...

"Joy, do you have a urinal in your kitchen?"
"I don't know, do I?" I turn around and see what she's looking at. I said "Is that a urinal? For real? It had a flat side and I couldn't figure it out. Do urinals have a flat side???"
She nodded yes with the funniest look on her face
At this point, I didn't really think it could be a urinal so I thought I would look it up when I got the chance. We both went on about our lives like that was a normal interaction.

Today, I thought about it again and looked it up... Yep.

A vintage military urinal.

In my dining room, holding greenery. Y'all.... A URINAL!!!!

Right when I was showing Jeff and cackling, my DIL walked in. I'm DYING laughing, so I have to share the whole story. She kinda gave me the same look my MIL did. hahahaha

Jeff says "well, it's a good thing you didn't use it as a pitcher and serve tea" LOL

Seriously wish I would have done that now... it would have made this story so much better!!!!!!

Life is short, go buy a urinal and stick some flowers in it HAHAHAHA :)


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