Tuesday, March 19, 2019

February Update

Yes, I realize it's March (I think it's March...) but to be honest... I'm really not sure what happened to January and February. I would give you a detailed update of the last 2 months but I'm having a hard time remembering. Something about a new house, new job, new friends, leaving our kids, meeting lots of people, a son getting married, sickness, a niece getting married... it's all running together really. Oh... and a snake thrown in for good measure. All of that to say, life has been life-ing at warp speed no less! We are blessed to be here in Ocala and getting to be a part of the work here at ITEC! We do know that eventually, it will feel like home, but right now... we aren't sure where home is :)

Interesting thought right?! We're guilty of saying "it just doesn't feel like home". Well, does it HAVE to? I'll leave you with that question because... I'm struggling with that one!

A transition is challenging. It's never easy but one doesn't really know how hard it will be until that first step is taken. Lemme tell ya, watch out for that first step, cuz... it's a doozy :)

Then why do it? Well... because He's worth it! He is worth all of the change and heart ripping, He has saved us and given us new life... HE. IS. WORTH. IT. We don't consider ourselves sacrificing anything, we are following a calling. We are living a "cushioned" life if you want to play the comparison game (I don't recommend it though, you can never win).

We've seen God's hand and we are forever grateful!!! He is allowing us to serve Him in this full-time ministry and we don't take that for granted!!! We are still praying for full support. Right now we are at 50%. If you would like to help in that capacity, please go here:

A little tip for the site - where it says “designation”, select “other designation”
In the memo field enter “Jeff and Joy Thomas”

The opportunity has come for me to be involved in a Trauma counseling program. Our Physician here at ITEC has been working on finalizing a curriculum to use Trauma counseling with the indigenous people groups that we work with across the globe. I'm very excited and nervous about this opportunity! I'm headed to training... oh, in about 2 hours haha Please pray that my heart and mind are clear to receive the knowledge God would have me take in at this time!

We are ever so grateful for your prayers and support!!!

God is faithful!!!!


Joy Martin said...

Love you Joy 3 !!!

Joy Martin said...
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