Monday, October 28, 2013
Once upon a time there was a lady (we'll go with a young lady) who used to go out with friends and have coffee. This lady (YOUNG) would even sometimes have days where there was NOTHING to do and she would sit, and get bored. If you find this lady (she's young... quite young...) please tell her that she's missed BUT... please remind her of this......
How blessed she is to have a job she loves. How blessed she is to have family who love her and help her. How blessed she is to have boys who pitch in and do everything they can to help and love her with a BIG love. How blessed she is to have a husband who works hard, loves hard, prays hard and sacrifices even harder because he loves her with all his heart. She needs to be reminded of these things ever so often because when she stops and thinks of all her friends who she misses well... she gets a little sad. I bet deep down she knows that God is at work and that He has some awesome things in store and she knows that now is NOT the time to give up. So, maybe just tell her to keep going... keep getting up and going to work, keep homeschooling, keep singing, keep cooking, keep being taxi driver because one day....... she'll miss it. I think she might need to be told that getting old is ok too.
And they lived happily ever after (every once upon a time deserves a good happily ever after)
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