By definition, exhale means "to breathe out". This would imply that one has been holding their breath.
Ever been there? Ever held your breath until you hear someone say "BREATHE!"
I have.
To exhale is just as important as breathing in deeply. If you don't exhale all of the air then breathing deeply is just about impossible. Sir google says it best "The main reason for exhalation is to rid the body of carbon dioxide, which is the waste product of gas exchange in humans". Whoa! That'll preach!
Have you watched someone - a mom typically - on the sidelines as their child is taking the game winning shot. After the shot whether they score or not, you see a long e x h a l e. Holding ones breath is a sign of anticipation/anxiety. The term "I'm holding my breath" says that someone is anxious about the outcome.
Go ahead.
Just let it out! There's peace in knowing we don't have to hold our breath. We know Who is in control and no matter what happens here on this fleeting earth, He's holding each deep breath and each exhale!
One of my favorite songs (there are many, trust me!)
Exhale by Plumb
Just let go
Let His love wrap around you
And hold you close
Get lost in the surrender
Breathe it in until your heart breaks
Then exhale