Friday, July 20, 2012


This morning I was having my quiet time and praying (and drying my hair but... it was my prayer time this morning) and I started remembering. My oldest man child was about to have his wisdom teeth removed and so I began to reminisce about how many "booboos" they have had over the years. Couldn't help get'n a little teary at the thought of my babies growing up and the thought of seeing my BIG baby in pain today. (side track, rabbit trail... said prayers for those moms dealing with children with chronic illness. my heart goes out to them!) One injury of Nate's stuck in my mind. The boys had received their first little swiss army knives and we "thought" they were doing well with them. Until... we see that Nate has an infection under his nail. THEN the whole story comes out. They had been playing "swords" and micah "accidentally" cut Nate's finger. The cut was right at the cuticle and because he didn't tell me (he said "if I told you I would have gotten in trouble" hhmmm) I took Nate to the doctor and the infection had settled under his nail so much so that he had to have 7 shots to numb the whole area and they had to pull the whole nail off. This was quite traumatic for him. I very lovingly told him that this would not have been so bad first of all if he had not been playing with knives, second if he would have told me right away when he had been injured. He repeated to us on several occasions that he would NEVER do that again. The doctor was amazing in telling Nate how lucky he was that he didn't lose his finger (scared nate just enough...) Such a powerful picture for me. Wounds happen by our choice and sometimes NOT by our choice. Either way... they happen, it's not IF it's WHEN they happen. At that point we are left with a choice. Ignore it, let it fester and puss up, getting bigger and bigger. We can deal with it and say "OUCH, man that hurt. Now how can I get it to heal?" When we took Nate to the doctor he prescribed a topical cream and an antibiotic to insure the infection did not set in the blood stream. As Christians God has given us His Holy Spirit to minister that healing "ointment". God has given us His Word to continually treat our wounds. No matter what our wound or hurt is, whether it be self inflicted or brought on by someone else, we may have a scar. That scar... after all of the healing has taken place can be such a sweet reminder of "don't do that again, it hurts" or a reminder to pour forgiveness on someone who injured us. One thing we found out is a wound left untreated is very dangerous. It took quite a while for his nail to heal and grow back but being consistent in treating it was worth it. He has a healthy nail now!!! Take time to let God heal your wound. It's worth it!!! Another point that I must make is when a wound is left untreated and infected, not only does it get worse, it keeps us handicapped. Life brings wounds and hurts, this we can count on. Now... whatcha gonna do with it?????? Luke 10:34 So he went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine; and he set him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him Jesus cares! Jesus wants to heal! BTW my oldest man child is doing great right now! He has been sleeping off the medicine. Praise God!