Today has been one of those days with so much in it that I'm not sure it has been just ONE day. May be that I'm functioning on little sleep and for some reason my body does not do well with little sleep no matter how much I try to "train" it. The Christmas season is in full swing, being out and about today reminded me how FULL the swing really is. I had my to-do list and I set out to get it done. With a couple of "snags" first thing this morning I was not sure how the day was going to turn out. In the midst of all the craziness God showed me a little picture of Himself once again. Our THIRD stop for the day was at Sams to get our tires balanced and rotated in preparation for our trip to Florida. An elderly gentleman was waiting on his car too. We scooted over and he joined us on our bench. He was quite hunched over, I found out later in the conversation that he used to be taller than his 3 boys and now he had shrunk. We just chatted about different things and then he says "my wife and I have an anniversary 2 days before Christmas" I asked him how many years, "65, I think we'll go steady" he said with a slight grin. I said "I think it just might last". Found out he has 4 kids, 7 grandkids and 5 great grand kids. He said "ya know, time goes by faster when you have someone to talk to. My wife usually does the talking so I don't have to worry about it" He did just fine though :) He had a hearing aid and the guy at the register was hard to understand, he turned to me and said "what did he say?" After I told him he pushed both of his hearing aids and said "I have my hearing aids on but sometimes it's still hard... you are distinctive though" I didn't inform him that I had seen his hearing aid and was speaking clearer than my normal mumble :) His car was ready and he was shuffling off... to DRIVE home... y'all be patient with those who you think should go faster ;) As he walked off he told the boys "y'all be good to her" Made me cry because we had been having one of "those" days... ya know the kind where teen boys think they KNOW everything... oh don't tell me you don't know what I'm talk'n about :) So fast forward, lots went on in between but here is my other side of the day... I'm standing in line at Publix and this cute little feisty boy, probably 5ish, steps on my foot. His mom apologized and I tell her I'm used to it that mine step on my feet more than I do. She laughed that "whew" kind of laugh. The little boy said he was sorry and I started talking to him about Christmas. Of course he was so excited about seeing grandparents and getting gifts. I told his mom that I miss my little boys... really I do haha She said she had told him she was going to put a brick on his head. He looked at me very seriously and said "I'd push right through it". I checked out, gave him a high five and a "Merry Christmas" and went my way (to eat my sushi) I sat there reflecting on the age span of these 2 blessings I had today. There were so many other little glimpses of God today that it is really blowing my mind. From 5 to 85... they are precious and they each have a story. I would love to sit and talk with them more deeply, such fleeting glimpses in to their lives. I pray for them! Thankful that God placed them in my path today... a day of really busy running and mommying and wifing (i couldn't think of a word for that haha) So now, I'm exhausted, yet I'm breathing a bit of fresh air (well... besides when Joe... well.... he's a male dog, nuff said) Going to bed tonight grateful! thankful! blessed! and.... TIRED!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
taking a breath
Today has been one of those days with so much in it that I'm not sure it has been just ONE day. May be that I'm functioning on little sleep and for some reason my body does not do well with little sleep no matter how much I try to "train" it. The Christmas season is in full swing, being out and about today reminded me how FULL the swing really is. I had my to-do list and I set out to get it done. With a couple of "snags" first thing this morning I was not sure how the day was going to turn out. In the midst of all the craziness God showed me a little picture of Himself once again. Our THIRD stop for the day was at Sams to get our tires balanced and rotated in preparation for our trip to Florida. An elderly gentleman was waiting on his car too. We scooted over and he joined us on our bench. He was quite hunched over, I found out later in the conversation that he used to be taller than his 3 boys and now he had shrunk. We just chatted about different things and then he says "my wife and I have an anniversary 2 days before Christmas" I asked him how many years, "65, I think we'll go steady" he said with a slight grin. I said "I think it just might last". Found out he has 4 kids, 7 grandkids and 5 great grand kids. He said "ya know, time goes by faster when you have someone to talk to. My wife usually does the talking so I don't have to worry about it" He did just fine though :) He had a hearing aid and the guy at the register was hard to understand, he turned to me and said "what did he say?" After I told him he pushed both of his hearing aids and said "I have my hearing aids on but sometimes it's still hard... you are distinctive though" I didn't inform him that I had seen his hearing aid and was speaking clearer than my normal mumble :) His car was ready and he was shuffling off... to DRIVE home... y'all be patient with those who you think should go faster ;) As he walked off he told the boys "y'all be good to her" Made me cry because we had been having one of "those" days... ya know the kind where teen boys think they KNOW everything... oh don't tell me you don't know what I'm talk'n about :) So fast forward, lots went on in between but here is my other side of the day... I'm standing in line at Publix and this cute little feisty boy, probably 5ish, steps on my foot. His mom apologized and I tell her I'm used to it that mine step on my feet more than I do. She laughed that "whew" kind of laugh. The little boy said he was sorry and I started talking to him about Christmas. Of course he was so excited about seeing grandparents and getting gifts. I told his mom that I miss my little boys... really I do haha She said she had told him she was going to put a brick on his head. He looked at me very seriously and said "I'd push right through it". I checked out, gave him a high five and a "Merry Christmas" and went my way (to eat my sushi) I sat there reflecting on the age span of these 2 blessings I had today. There were so many other little glimpses of God today that it is really blowing my mind. From 5 to 85... they are precious and they each have a story. I would love to sit and talk with them more deeply, such fleeting glimpses in to their lives. I pray for them! Thankful that God placed them in my path today... a day of really busy running and mommying and wifing (i couldn't think of a word for that haha) So now, I'm exhausted, yet I'm breathing a bit of fresh air (well... besides when Joe... well.... he's a male dog, nuff said) Going to bed tonight grateful! thankful! blessed! and.... TIRED!